
24.01.2025 Senior Bulletin

Dear Parents, Guardians & Carers,

Another action-packed week at Truro School has flown by, filled with inspiring visits and plenty of opportunities for our pupils to engage in exciting activities.

This week, I would like to focus on the sense of community that makes Truro School such a special place. I see this community in action every day, whether it is pupils from different year groups participating together in co-curricular activities, Sixth Form pupils supporting younger pupils through the ACHE scheme, or the moments of connection at break time and on school trips between staff and pupils. And, of course, our community extends to you, our parents, carers, and guardians.

This week in my A-Level PE lesson, we explored the concept of Socialisation, discussing how both Primary and Secondary Socialisation influence the sports we participate in. Coincidentally, the Head led a whole-school assembly on the concept of Whānau, a principle from Māori culture that represents both the biological family and the extended network of support, love, and shared responsibility within a community. The coincidence of topics was too great and one that I have reflected on. Truro School is a fitting example of this sense of Whānau at work, for pupils, staff, and parents.

Celebrating 145 Years of Truro School

As you may know, we recently celebrated a truly special milestone in the life of Truro School: our 145th birthday. On Monday, 20 January, we marked this significant occasion with an array of activities that highlight our proud history and vibrant future. Our School Archivist, Jo Wood, put together a historical presentation, alongside an interactive quiz that delves into the stories and memories that have shaped our school. This resource was shared with pupils, and we hope it encourages conversation at home about the legacy of Truro School. Additionally, pupils had a go at a school-themed crossword to challenge their Truro School knowledge. It was a fun way to test how much they knew about our school’s history; do ask them how they did.

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Entrance Assessment Day Success

On Saturday, we were delighted to welcome prospective families for our Entrance Assessment Day. It was wonderful to see so many eager faces, as families expressed their excitement about potentially joining the Truro School community. The day was an enormous success, and we look forward to welcoming new pupils and their families into our fold in the future.

Boarding Adventures at Eden

Our boarders had a fantastic time recently during their trip to the Eden Project. They explored the famous biomes and took part in a thrilling ice skating session. The day was made even more special by a ‘blue’ themed fun team-building event designed to help them shake off any January blues – and they certainly succeeded! It was a fantastic opportunity for our boarders to bond, create lasting memories, and experience one of Cornwall’s iconic landmarks.

Co-Curriculum Opportunities

We are also excited to share more about the wide range of co-curricular opportunities available to our pupils. Our Co-curriculum is as brilliant and varied as ever, offering something for everyone. We encourage all pupils to get involved, as participation not only enhances specific skills in their chosen activities but also builds teamwork, organisation, and friendships, strengthening their sense of belonging within our community. Our programme is a wonderful example of secondary socialisation that can ignite curious minds to delve deeper into their chosen passion.

If your child has yet to find their passion, please do encourage them to explore the many activities on offer. If you would like to know more about what your child is involved in or what other opportunities might be available, please do not hesitate to contact their form tutor for guidance.

Later this year, pupils who have shown exceptional commitment across co-curricular activities will be awarded their colours; a prestigious recognition of their dedication. To see the full schedule of activities and events, please visit: Co-Curricular Schedule.

Our new scholarships process is in train and Mrs Richards and Heads of Departments are currently making nominations for the next cohort of scholars from our 1st and 3rd Year. These will take effect from September 2025.

Competition House Spirit

Next Thursday, we will be holding our next Competition House Assemblies, and we invite all staff and parents to join in the fun by wearing an item of clothing in their child’s Competition House colour. The colours are as follows:

School – Green
Smith – Blue
Vinter – Gold/Yellow
Wickett – Red

There are plenty of opportunities for all pupils to get involved in house competitions. We are looking forward to seeing the wonderful display of community spirit next Thursday!

Looking Ahead 

As we continue through this term, there are many more exciting events and activities planned for our pupils. Thank you for your continued support in all that we do to create a dynamic and supportive environment for our pupils. Should you have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to reach out.

Thank you for your continued support in making Truro School a thriving, dynamic, and connected community.

Wishing you all a restful and enjoyable weekend.

Mrs Z Jobling

Deputy Head (Co-Curricular and Partnerships)

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Charity Day - Friday 31 January

On Friday 31 January, we will be holding our next Charity Day.

On this day, pupils and students may wear home clothes to school by donating £2 to the charity that the Community Action Team (CAT) have chosen to support, Age UK.

The CAT is a student and pupil-led committee that researches different charities and votes on which ones the school will support each term. All pupils then learn about the organisations during presentations in Chapel.

The donations will be added to school bills as we have switched to a cashless system at school. We hope that you will be happy to donate towards the charities, but please feel free to opt out by contacting the Finance office.

Best wishes, The Community Action Team

RSPB Birdwatch - This Weekend

Big Garden Birdwatch is the UK’s biggest citizen science wildlife survey.

The information helps scientists to learn more about species population numbers.

You can join the Big Garden Birdwatch at home this coming weekend and can download lots of free resources from the RSPB website.

Let us know how you get on!

Careers Convention - Delegate Invitation

We are delighted to invite you to participate in Truro School’s biennial Careers Convention, taking place on Tuesday, 18 March 2025, from 3.00pm to 6.00pm at the Sir Ben Ainslie Sports Centre.

There is already a great selection of companies and organisations from various industries and backgrounds who have volunteered to be delegates, but we would love to welcome even more. Whilst not exclusive, we would love to hear from companies/individuals working in:

Veterinary medicine/animal management
Allied health
Farming/agriculture/countryside management
Arts & media
STEM – computer tech/analytics/software design
STEM – space industries

If you are interested in joining us as a delegate or would like further details, please contact Amanda Forde at [email protected].

We greatly value your expertise and hope you can join us for this exciting event. Further information for pupils, students and parent attendees will be shared shortly.

FTS - Christmas Jumpers

If you have any unwanted Christmas jumpers that have been or will be outgrown by next December, the FTS is collecting them to store until the next festive season.

Please bring donations into the Prep Office or Cookery School Cafe at the Senior School for your FTS reps to collect.


With the use of electric bikes and scooters becoming more common place and the safety of our pupils and other members of the school community at the forefront of our considerations we have introduced a policy which provides guidelines on the specification that any cycles in this category must meet for them to be brought onto school premises.

If you are considering your child using an e-bike or scooter to come to school can you please read the policy, which can be found on the school website, and follow the application process it contains.

If you need any additional advice or have any questions please contact our Operations Manager, Mr Fraser, [email protected]

Useful Information

A useful reminder that the ‘Parents’ section of the Truro School website contains lots of information, including the whole school calendar, parent handbooks, term dates, policies and uniform >

The ‘Contact Us’ page also contains contact emails and numbers for both sites, campus maps and contact information for the Governors and Finance Teams.

Spring Term's Clubs and Activities

The list of Spring Term clubs and activities is available to view here.

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