Dear Parents, Guardians & Carers,
As we come to the end of our first full week back at school, I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to our pupils, parents and staff for supporting a calm and purposeful start to the new term. Our Heads of Year, tutors and teachers have done a fantastic job in settling pupils back into routines and communicating expectations to support all to thrive in our wonderful community. Yondr is firmly embedded in our start of day routine and its impact is evident as I walk around the school site at break and lunchtimes and see pupils engaged in conversation with friends, playing games, accessing the library and clubs, and enjoying ‘phone free’ time.
As Interim Deputy Head Pastoral and Designated Safeguarding Lead, my priority is ensuring that every member of our school community feels safe, supported, and valued. At Truro School safeguarding is at the heart of everything we do. We are committed to creating an environment where students feel safe and know where to access support and guidance. Our Safeguarding Team (myself, Mr Copeland, Mrs Jobling and Mr McKeown) meet regularly to plan for support for our pupils and to respond to wider contextual safeguarding concerns. We have clear policies and procedures in place, and all staff are trained to recognise and respond to any concerns promptly. If you have any concerns about your child’s safety or well-being, please do not hesitate to reach out to a member of the safeguarding or pastoral team.
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Our recently launched Wellbeing Hub is an expert-led, evidence-based resource available to pupils, teachers and parents to support the mental health, wellbeing and educational needs of young people. In school we will be using this resource as a tool to support the care and guidance of our young people. If you have not had an opportunity to log in to this platform, I would encourage you to do so (please see the email sent on 18 December for more information). The resources and support available for you and your child are extensive and in the coming weeks and months, we will be sharing top tips for getting the most from this platform. As a parent of teenagers myself, I am always grateful when a friend or colleague recommends a book or blog at just the right time to help navigate the parenting challenge!
Feeling part of a community is essential for young people’s growth and happiness and here at Truro School, we strive to create a culture of inclusion and mutual respect where everyone feels they belong. This week our wonderful 5th Years have experienced life as a Sixth Former. I called in to the Sixth Form Centre at the start of the day on Thursday to be greeted by a buzz of energy, excitement and smart business dress! Our 5th Years were exceptional role models throughout the day, engaging fully in their subject choices and, in their feedback to me, they were very complimentary about the opportunity and lengths teachers had taken to give them the very best experience. You can read more about this event below.
Meanwhile, our Lower and Upper Sixth pupils have been sitting their trial exams. As these come to an end, our pupils should feel very proud of all the hard work and effort they have given to revision and sitting the exams. They all deserve a very restful weekend.
On Saturday we are holding our annual entrance exam day. No doubt the young people joining us will embrace the opportunity with determination and courage, and we look forward to welcoming them to our school community.
This weekend, alongside supporting the entrance exams and some good dog walks, I am going to watch Inside Out 2: a must I am told by our Health and Wellbeing Lead, Mel. I thought Mel was encouraging me to have some down time but as I have discovered, the content of this film is a central message in the upcoming February Mental Health Awareness Week. We look forward to updating you soon…
Wishing you and your family a peaceful weekend.
Ms E Mitchell
Interim Deputy Head (Pastoral)
Latest From Truro School
Messages & Downloads
Careers Convention - Delegate Invitation
We are delighted to invite you to participate in Truro School’s biennial Careers Convention, taking place on Tuesday, 18 March 2025, from 3.00pm to 6.00pm at the Sir Ben Ainslie Sports Centre.
This is an amazing opportunity to showcase your company or profession to enthusiastic pupils and Sixth Form students from Truro School and other visiting schools. Through face-to-face conversations, you can provide insights into your work – what it entails, qualifications required, entry pathways, and career progression – helping students benefit from your first-hand experience of the different options open to them.
The Careers Convention also offers an excellent platform for you to showcase your business, career opportunities, and apprenticeship schemes, network with representatives from over 40 local and national businesses and advertise vacancies for casual or summer jobs to our students.
If you are interested in joining us as a delegate or would like further details, please contact Amanda Forde at [email protected].
We greatly value your expertise and hope you can join us for this exciting event. Further information for pupils, students and parent attendees will be shared shortly.
Careers Talk: Allied Health Professions
Friday 24 January, 1.05-2pm, Room 55.
Nick Carne (former pupil) will be joining us to talk about working in the NHS and the Allied Health professions. These careers include: dieticians, speech and language therapists, physiotherapists, radiographers, occupational therapists, and many more. Many of these degrees also attract an annual NHS bursary worth £5000+.
For any students interested in starting working with people, or in a medical related environment, this would be a useful talk. He will also be discussing the pros and cons of degree apprenticeships. Please sign up by Wednesday 22nd Jan.
Open to 4th Years and above, email [email protected] to sign up, please let me know if you need a packed lunch ordered for you, and any dietary requirements.
With the use of electric bikes and scooters becoming more common place and the safety of our pupils and other members of the school community at the forefront of our considerations we have introduced a policy which provides guidelines on the specification that any cycles in this category must meet for them to be brought onto school premises.
If you are considering your child using an e-bike or scooter to come to school can you please read the policy, which can be found on the school website, and follow the application process it contains.
If you need any additional advice or have any questions please contact our Operations Manager, Mr Fraser, [email protected]
FTS - Christmas Jumpers
If you have any unwanted Christmas jumpers that have been or will be outgrown by next December, the FTS is collecting them to store until the next festive season.
Please bring donations into the Prep Office or Cookery School Cafe at the Senior School for your FTS reps to collect.
Useful Information
A useful reminder that the ‘Parents’ section of the Truro School website contains lots of information, including the whole school calendar, parent handbooks, term dates, policies and uniform >
The ‘Contact Us’ page also contains contact emails and numbers for both sites, campus maps and contact information for the Governors and Finance Teams.
Chicken Pox
Please be aware, we have been informed that there is a case of Chicken Pox in the Lower School.
Many thanks, the School Medical Team
Spring Term's Clubs and Activities
The list of Spring Term clubs and activities is available to view here and on the link below.