Date Posted... Jan 17th 2025
Our 5th Year pupils embarked on their much-anticipated Geology field trip to Upton Cross, Bude. This hands-on experience provided an invaluable opportunity for pupils to deepen their understanding of sedimentary rocks and their formation.
The pupils explored the Bude formation, examining the alternating beds of sandstone and mudstone deposited in a tropical lake around 310 million years ago. They also had the chance to revise key content from the deformation topic of the GCSE course by sketching and labelling large-scale folds caused by compressional forces and demonstrating clear evidence of the plate tectonic processes that have shaped the region.
In addition to studying these fascinating formations, pupils practised their field sketching skills, which are crucial for their upcoming exams.
Overall, the field trip was a great success. It enriched our pupils’ geological knowledge and provided them with the opportunity to hone their practical skills as they focused on the final stretch of the GCSE journey.
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