Every gift, no matter how big or small, will have a life-changing effect on a child for whom a bursary might be the only way of accessing a Truro School education.
Giving a one-off gift will make an immediate impact to our bursary fundraising, whereas a regular gift, whether monthly or annually, can help allow the School to plan for the future.
Remembering Truro School Foundation in your Will is one of the most impactful ways of supporting Truro School’s mission of increasing the number of our transformational bursaries.
“Together, we can make a world of difference.”
Regular gifts can be made by Direct Debit on a monthly, quarterly or annual basis. Please click on the Donate Online link to set up your regular, or one-off, gift. You can make a one-off donation using a credit or debit card.
Did you know that you can leave just 1% of your estates value to Truro School Foundation (charity number: 1070969) in your Will, leaving the remaining 99% to the people you hold closest. You can of course leave more to life changing bursaries if you wish to.
Truro School Foundation is a registered charity (charity number: 1070969) and accordingly, all legacy gifts made to the Foundation are exempt from UK Inheritance and Capital Gains Taxes. Under current rules, if you leave 10% or more of your chargeable net estate to charity, the Inheritance Tax (IHT) rate on the whole of your taxable estate is reduced from 40% to 36%. You can read some useful general information about types of legacies here.
If you wish to leave a legacy please complete the form available to download here.
You can also make a regular gift by standing order. To set up a standing order please download our Donation Form.
Please note that Truro School cannot process payments from American Express.
If you would like to donate by cheque you can do so by downloading and completing the Donation Form. Please make your cheque payable to the “Truro School Foundation Ltd”.
Many companies help charities through a matched giving scheme. Some will match pound for pound, and others will double match any donations which its employees make to registered charities. Please check with your Payroll or HR department as to whether your company do operate such a scheme as this could make your donation worth even more.
The Celebration Garden has been created by the Foundation as a space to celebrate all that our community has to offer. Your gift will go towards life-changing bursaries for future recipients, so that in turn, they can celebrate our community. Find out more here.
Individuals can obtain a double form of tax relief by donating gifts of equities. The market value of the gift can be offset against any income tax liability and in addition the gift would be exempt from any liability of Capital Gains Tax.
Truro School Foundation can accept gifts of assets, such as property or land, which are not subject to Capital Gains Tax or Capital Transfer Tax. Donors may consider making a bequest of cash investments or other assets, all of which would be free of Capital Transfer Tax on death.
If you would like to make a donation from overseas you can do so by completing the donation form, which you can download or you can make an electronic bank transfer, which can be arranged by contacting the Development Manager: [email protected].
Gift Aid will not cost you any extra. To read about how and why please read this useful document put together by the Development Manager.
If as a result of your tax assessment the Inland Revenue is required to make a payment to you, the IR offers UK taxpayers the opportunity to nominate a charity to receive what may be an unexpected repayment.
Did you know that you can leave just 1% of your estates value to Truro School Foundation (charity number 1070969) in your Will, leaving the remaining 99% to the people you hold closest. You can of course leave more if you wish to.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out to Development Manger Sam Willsher on 01872 246094 (Mon-Fri 09:00 -17:00) if you have any questions about leaving a gift in your Will to Truro School Foundation.
If you have already included, or intend to include The Truro School Foundation in your Will, we would be most grateful if you would kindly let us know by completing and returning the pledge form below. This does not commit you in any way, it simply enables us to respond appropriately.
If you have already made your will it is simple to add a codicil by downloading the form below.
Whilst we endeavour to ensure all information is correct, we recommend you consult your tax advisor and accountant when considering changes to your financial affairs. You may also refer to the Inland Revenue website at hmrc.gov.uk for the latest information on tax-efficient giving.
By gift aiding your contribution we can reclaim an additional 25p in every £1, making your gift worth even more at no extra cost to you. Please make sure you check the “Gift Aid” box on the donation form if you qualify.
For further information, please contact the Development Office by telephone 01872 246010 or email at [email protected].
Feb 5th 2024
Feb 3rd 2023
Nov 4th 2021
Oct 21st 2021
Our school motto, Esse Quam Videri (to be, rather than to seem to be), captures the essence of our identity and is defined by the 5 C's below. Underpinned by strong Christian principles, we are a caring and inclusive community which values, nurtures and develops each individual.
Click on the links below to find out more.
Curiosity to always want to discover and learn more, academically and more widely too.
Because we believe that academic excellence is an important part of human excellence. Every child is an individual and we celebrate and develop their uniqueness, helping them to become an independent learner and encouraging each child to explore, understand and cultivate their talent and abilities, whatever they may be.
Compassion to understand and champion the needs of others, in our community and beyond.
Because our mission challenges us to be a vibrant community which enables people to live their lives to the full and transform society for the better. Located in the heart of Cornwall, our distinctive, serene location supports the development of balanced, unpretentious and reflective children who understand their role as global citizens.
Confidence to build resilience by learning from both successes and failures alike.
Because we want every pupil to be comfortable in their own skin, celebrating the uniqueness of each individual in the school community. Through drama, presenting and public speaking opportunities, as well as appearing in productions and concerts, pupils learn key communication skills and gain the confidence to prosper in the real world.
Creativity to be imaginative in how we express ourselves and approach new challenges.
Because we value the development of pupils’ imaginative and creative dimensions as well as their characters. Through a broad curriculum and wide range of co-curricular activities, pupils discover the important balance between creative and logical thinking. These opportunities are fundamental to ensuring your son or daughter discovers their hidden gifts, developing a sense of individuality and a confidence in their own abilities.
Courage to enjoy becoming the very best of who we are, with integrity and ambition.
Because we believe that essential life skills are often best taught outside of the classroom, balancing an academic education. Through a wide-ranging co-curricular programme, we offer every child the chance to participate, perform and lead in the fields of their choice. In a competitive world these opportunities are fundamental to ensuring your son or daughter develops essential life skills and an ambition for life.
Truro School is part of the Methodist Independent Schools Trust (MIST)
MIST Registered Office: 66 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London WC2A 3LH
Charity No. 1142794
Company No. 7649422