
Date Posted... Jan 24th 2025

Imogen Explores A Career in Optometry

One Truro School Sixth Former has been exploring the field of optometry. Imogen, a Lower Sixth Former who is a chorister and is currently studying A-Levels in Biology, Chemistry, and Design Technology was interested in exploring allied health careers options. She organised some one-on-one career sessions with Mrs Kenward and after attending a talk and information session about careers in optometry, Imogen reached out to a local Opticians to enquire about potential work experience opportunities.

She explained that she thoroughly enjoyed her work placement at Ibuntu in Truro, where she learned all about the work of clinical opticians, the cutting-edge diagnostic equipment they use in the practice as well as the soft skills necessary for working in this field. She is now hoping to go to university to Study a BSc in Optometry.

Imogen’s enthusiasm led to her being retained as a paid employee and now works some weekends in the Opticians. She says she really enjoys meeting many people daily, which has helped her develop her skills and confidence. Imogen said it is very fulfilling improving people’s eyesight, saying it truly makes a difference in their lives.

Sandhya Dharumpal. Optometrist, commended Imogen’s drive and performance and said that, “As a local business it is wonderful to get involved with supporting the future career decision of the next generation and to inspire theme to explore this rewarding industry as a future career”.

A number of other Sixth Form students have secured also work placements this term, among them are Maddie, Hebe and Anna who took part in a BBC taster day, and Zack, who took part in work experience with local investment firm, Walker Crips.

Head of Careers, Nancy Kenward, said, “Work experience in a really important step for students to undertake. Relevant work experience placements help students stand out in the competitive school leaver and graduate job market. In a recent survey of UK businesses, a third of companies said that they didn’t think school leavers had enough work experience. The placements can also help students to make up their mind about pursuing a particular career path or industry. It’s difficult to be totally confident that you want to be a solicitor, or a physiotherapist, for example, if you haven’t ever experienced what those jobs might be like on a day to day basis. The careers lunches held at Truro School are a great way to meet local businesses which might be able to offer  work experience. Specsavers and Walker Crips have both attended careers talks over the past year for example, and they subsequently provided valuable work experience for some of our students.”

The Truro School Careers Convention is taking place on Tuesday 18th March and is open to all 5th and Sixth Formers 4pm-6pm. If you are a business interested in taking part please contact [email protected].