It has been a busy start to the term in Truro School Pre-Prep as we welcomed new friends and new topics.
In Nursery, we welcomed several new starters, who have settled in beautifully. The Nursery team introduced their new farming topic and the class had a go at spelling the names of farm animals before voting on their favourite farm animals to add to the class display.
Reception has been revisiting their Christmas holidays; sharing stories before using their phonic knowledge to write sentences about what they received for Christmas. The children have also started their new topic on dinosaurs and have had a special visitor to show them some very old fossils and created timelines around the classroom to better understand just how long ago the dinosaurs roamed the earth.
Year 1 has been busy completing literacy challenges and practising their handwriting skills. In maths, pupils have been learning the composition of numbers from 10-20.
Year 2 has been investigating money and identifying the values of different coins. In Forest School, the children have been building dens; carefully considering their structure and the materials they might use. The children have also been working on posters about our School’s Golden Rules.
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