
Date Posted... Feb 8th 2024

Ripples of Kindness

The whole school assembly focused on the theme of spreading kindness; drawing inspiration from the podcast ‘Don’t Tell Me the Score’, Mr Murphy emphasised the ripple effect of kindness, comparing it to the way a pebble creates ripples in a pond. He highlighted how we can all find inspiration to be kind from those around us.

Using the concept of the ‘R’ effect, something we all became familiar with during the Covid pandemic and relating to the spread of diseases, recent studies conducted by Yale and Harvard Universities revealed that the ‘R’ rate of happiness has a rating of four or five. This means kind words or gestures we give towards one person can positively impact the following five people we interact with, and so on. Therefore, a single act of kindness among three people can potentially reach up to 125 people, equating to almost an entire form or workplace. Mr Murphy asked everyone to reflect on this and to practice spreading kindness in our daily interactions.

Thank you to our senior prefect team for the school news updates and notices, and congratulations to all the Values Award winners who have been noted for their exceptional acts of kindness.


1st YearJamie LFor demonstrating exceptional honesty and sportsmanship during a football match – an act of kindness to his ow team and the oppositon.
2nd YearBen SFor showing genuine kindness and empathy by regularly reaching out to someone who has not been able to come into school, showing care and friendship for that person.
3rd YearAlfie DFor being kind and generous with his time, staying behind after school yesterday to help Mrs Wormald carry geography equipment following the field trip from the minibuses to the geography department.
4th YearFelicity JFor her thoughtfulness and kindness making sure her friends had breakfast after their alarm failed to go off in Spain, waiting for them patiently even though it left her with less time to get ready.
5th YearJames MEach day, James, unasked and unprompted, kindly takes down all of the chairs in the form room to prepare it for the day. He does not ask for reward or recognition, but is quietly, simply and kindly helping his tutor and members of his form.
Lower SixthCallum EHe went above and beyond for his team in Geology when preparing a video clip. He worked with kindness, understanding and patience, supporting everyone in his team to produce a super outcome.
Upper SixthCailan PFor being a kind and dedicated member of the surf group on WAA – giving it their all and helping others in all conditions and weathers.



Ripples of Kindness throughout in our School Community