
Date Posted... Jul 8th 2024

Truro School Speech Day 2024

Courage was at the heart of proceedings at this year’s Truro School Speech Day. Held in the auspicious surrounds of the Hall for Cornwall, the afternoon began with an introduction from Truro School Chaplain, Helen Byrne, who welcomed esteemed guests, staff, pupils and their families to a “day of celebration and thanks.”

Mrs Liz Garner, Joint Vice Chair of Governors gave a welcome address, thanking all those who contribute to the vibrancy and success of the Truro School Community. Head of Truro School, Mr Andy Johnson then took to the stage to share his passion for our school values.

“We are a school that champions an education grounded in values,” he began. “This year’s value is courage and the fruits of courage are visible all year round. On days like today, it is not hard to see the endpoint of courage, but the journey towards this endpoint is more of a display of courage and more important in many ways.”

Mr Johnson spoke of the courage needed to try something new and the importance of not expecting perfection in everything we do. Rather, we need the courage to embrace our journeys with humility and compassion.

After a rousing hymn, it was time for the prize giving, with the coveted Opie Shield first presented to this year’s House Champions, Vinter. With prizes shared with our amazing cohort of students and pupils, it was then time for the Head Boy, Oliver T and Head Girl, Tara S to give their final speeches in this role. Tara talked of the rich differences in our individual perspectives that help to shape and enrich our environment. She urged pupils to be unafraid to stand out and do what they love, saying, “It is your individuality that makes you powerful.”

The afternoon was drawn to a conclusion with a moving and enthralling speech from Harriet Bratt, CO03, international speaker, trainer and firewalk guide. Quoting Apple co-founder Steve Jobs, Harriet reminded us that “you can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.”

With this in mind, she urged students and pupils to remember that they needed the faith to believe in themselves, the courage to act and the knowledge that the dots will connect. She talked openly about overcoming her own struggles and urged the audience to step into courage.

“Fear won’t go away,” she said, “fear, pain and adversity will show up but it is about feeling the fear… you cannot always control what happens to you, but you can always choose your response to it.”

She then welcomed Mr Johnson to face his fears, with a daring stunt requiring breath, awareness and focus. Mr Johnson was able to step into courage and break an arrow with his throat. It was a truly moving and inspiring moment (please don’t try this at home!).

In the closing speeches, Mr Johnson welcomed the new Head Girl and Head Boy Team, consisting of Elowyn, Finlay, Megan (Deputy Head Girl) and Pax (Deputy Head Boy), before the 4th Year Band brought the proceedings to a memorable end.

A huge thanks to all of our incredible speakers, and prize winners and to all of the staff, pupils, students and their families for a fantastic afternoon.