
Girl Chorister Scholarships

Performing music with an outstanding choir directed by specialist professional musicians in one of the South West’s finest buildings.

Truro Cathedral has had a choir in the traditional form of boys and men since it first opened its doors in 1887. September 2015 witnessed the welcome addition of girl choristers. Like the boy choristers, the girls rehearse each weekday morning before school with the Cathedral’s specialist musicians. They sing services and concerts at the Cathedral with the twelve professional singers who sing the lower parts. In addition to these regular services and concerts, girl choristers share BBC broadcasts, CD recordings and foreign tours that the Cathedral Choir undertakes each year. The girl and boy choristers are celebrated not only in Cornwall but across the UK and internationally.

Be A Girl Chorister For A Day

Thursday 7 November 2024 

Our ‘Be a Chorister for a Day’ event is the perfect opportunity for girls to experience life as a chorister, from morning rehearsal through to school lessons, and finally a short service of Evensong when they will have the chance to sing with the Cathedral Choir.

The event is open to girls currently in Years 7 and 8, especially those considering entry to the choir as they enter Year 9. For more information, please email [email protected]

Please register for this year’s ‘Be a Chorister for a Day’ event using the link below.

What are the benefits of being a chorister?
  • Performing music by great composers with an outstanding choir directed by specialist professional musicians in one of the South West’s finest buildings.
  • Taking part in live broadcasts for television and radio, CD recordings and foreign tours.
  • Receiving scholarships and bursaries to support an education at Truro School.
  • Developing leadership skills in a supportive environment with a great deal of individual attention.
  • Working as part of a close team with a special purpose and a strong sense of identity.
Who can apply?

Girls currently in Year 8 can apply for entry into the Choir when they reach Year 9 the following September. Girls from any school can apply, though if successful they have to move to Truro School.

How does the selection process work?

The official chorister auditions take place at Truro School in January, followed by Truro School’s entrance exam.

Experienced staff from the Cathedral and School assess each application carefully to decide whether a Chorister place is right for the student and the Choir.

Girls are asked to prepare a song of their choice that shows off their voice well. They will be assessed on their voice, sight-reading ability, ear and general aptitude (for example, concentration and commitment). Girls must also pass the school’s academic selection criteria.

What scholarships and bursaries are available?

The girl choristers are educated at Truro School where they receive a 25% scholarship from the school which can be supplemented by a means-tested additional bursary of up to 100% with the aim that selection is based on pure ability.

Bursaries will aim to make the school fees affordable for applicants of any financial background, but parents will be expected to make some sacrifices. Bursaries are reviewed annually and will be adjusted if parental circumstances change. The Bursar will be pleased to discuss this aspect of a Chorister application at any stage.

Because of the level of commitment required of choristers, they are not eligible to apply for other school scholarships. The commitment they undertake is from Year 9 to Year 13 inclusive.

Boarding at Truro School

Truro School offers girls boarding between the ages of 11 and 18. Visit our boarding pages for more information.

What is the time commitment?

The girls rehearse at Truro School on weekday mornings before school, from 8.10am to 8.55am. In addition, there is a two-week pattern for singing in services at the Cathedral, as follows:

Week A: Tuesday and Thursday 4.40pm rehearsal for 5.30pm service.

Week B: Thursday 4.40pm rehearsal for 5.30pm service; Sunday 8.50am rehearsal for 10.00am service and 3.15pm rehearsal for 4.00pm service.

In addition to these core duties, the Choir sings services at Christmas and Easter as well as concerts and performances at churches in Cornwall. Occasionally there is a foreign tour during the Easter or Summer holiday.

Girl choristers also sing in the school chamber choir, attending one rehearsal per week as well as performances.

The Cathedral’s Director of Music is happy to meet and pre-audition any interested students to give feedback. Contact James Anderson-Besant on 01872 276782 or [email protected].

For information about Truro School, including fees, scholarships and means-tested bursaries, registration and chorister application forms, contact Truro School Admissions on 01872 246062 or email [email protected].

Recent Highlights
  • Sixth Form Girl Choristers Invited to Sing at the King’s Coronation
  • Girl Choristers perform Evensong at St Paul’s Cathedral.
  • Choristers audition for Britain’s Got Talent.
  • Girl Choristers go on a tour with performances including, Evensong at Pembroke College Cambridge, Eucharist at Ely Cathedral, and Evensong at Jesus College, Cambridge.

Choristers News

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