
Date Posted... Dec 3rd 2021



Sixth Form

Sixth Form: Burrell Society Lecture Series – Ben Heason

Today’s Lecture was given by Professional Climber Ben Heason. Ben spoke about his climbing journey and his amazing “Rainbow Jambia” expedition to be the first ever climber to climb Angel falls, the 979 metres high mountain in Venezuela, which, to put it into perspective, is the height of 11 Big Ben’s!

Ben spoke about the importance of how if you want to achieve something, as long as you work hard, anything is possible. He mentioned how success is not always smooth sailing, and the importance of success is being able to go from one failure to another without losing enthusiasm. And having had many setbacks, including breaking both ankles in a climbing accident, Ben knows all too well the importance of persistence when it comes to reaching your goals.

It was great to hear from Ben today, and the Students enjoyed asking lots of questions about his climbing journey, as well as taking away the courage to try something new.