
Date Posted... Jul 10th 2023

Speech Day 2023

As our year of compassion drew to a close, Truro School gathered for the final time at the Hall for Cornwall. Marking the end of another fabulous school year, it was a rousing celebration of the achievements of all our pupils across the school and an opportunity to bid fond farewells to our 2023 leavers.

Staff, pupils and parents were welcomed by the Head of Governors, Richard Thomas, who thanked everyone for their effort and support throughout the year. Mr Johnson then took to the stage to thank all those who have contributed so much, in so many ways, to the thriving community that is Truro School.

Prizes were awarded to students and pupils to recognise their achievements, determination, courage, compassion and progress throughout this academic year. The prize giving was followed by Head Boy Oliver and Head Girl Soumya, who both gave speeches that reflected on their journeys through Truro School. They also passed on some sage advice for those pupils following in their footsteps, with Souyma sharing that “making a mistake and learning from it is more important than being perfect” and challenging pupils to, “try something new that you know you won’t get right the first time; this school has so many opportunities on offer that fear of failure will only lead to you missing out.”

Our guest speaker, Max Levene, economist and disability awareness campaigner, and Old Truronian (CO10), spoke with humour, poignance and inspiration. He exhorted our pupils to be and become the very best of themselves in the face of any challenges thrown at them. It was wonderful to end the year with a message of such empowerment.

“Failing is not a disaster but not attempting to try is.”

Max shared five lessons with our pupils and students:

  • Be compassionate and support each other. You don’t quite know the struggles that others are facing.
  • If you have special people in your life, keep them close and let them know. Nurture those relationships. Tell them you care, and it will help you and it will help them thrive. There will be negative relationships also, but you have to learn which ones are worth your time.
  • Dark times come and go. There will often be problems or things that are difficult but you must treasure the things that bring you happiness. Also know that when things are hard, eventually they will become easier, even if they never become fully resolved.
  • Truro School is a community; use it and add to it. If you are still a student, take the opportunities it offers, be it sport, music, drama. Make the most of it and find your passion. If you are leaving, attend the reunions, keep in touch with people and remain part of that community. You never know what opportunities it might throw your way and having that Truro School connection will ever create bonds.
  • Live your life and say yes to opportunities. I learnt how fragile life can be and I was lucky enough to escape disaster and to live again. Take it from me it’s valuable and you must enjoy it and make the most of it.

We would like to thank all of the staff, speakers and members of the School community who joined us for this auspicious event. For those far away or unable to attend, a video of the event is now available to watch below.

Prize Winners