
Date Posted... Mar 12th 2024

Pupils Join Design Team Workshop

4th and 5th-year pupils interested in pursuing careers in architecture and design were invited to a meeting with the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) and Tate and Co. the architectural team behind the new Music School building project. The meeting was an internal finishes workshop to discuss some of the aesthetic and functional aspects of the upcoming design project.

During the workshop, pupils engaged in detailed discussions on various elements, including flooring, wall finishes, acoustic requirements, and lighting considerations. The team from Tate and Co. provided insights into a selection of materials to achieve the desired sound quality, sustainability goals and budget. Additionally, they explored specific lighting ideas to enhance visual effects and performance, ensuring that the new space meets the diverse needs of the Music School users.

Mrs. Kenwood expressed her delight at the turnout of 4th and 5th-year pupils for the meeting, highlighting the valuable learning opportunity it provided. Following the session, a group of 4th-year students said, ‘We really enjoyed the experience and had no idea how many discussions and decisions go into a project like this.”

Thank you to Architects Jolene and Laurence from Tate and Co. for arranging the workshop and their generous contribution of time and expertise towards our pupil enrichment. We look forward to sharing the results of this meeting in due course.