
Date Posted... Nov 27th 2023




Celebrating Sinterklaas

Have you heard of Sinterklaas? Our Reception pupils learned all about him, and the Christmas traditions of the Netherlands thanks to Matilda, and her mum Liselotte.

Sinterklaas is a beloved figure in Dutch Christmas traditions. He is said to arrive in the Netherlands on a steamboat from Spain in late November, accompanied by his helpers known as Petes. Matilda shared her Pete outfit with us as she prepared to be a helper.

Through the engaging session, the pupils gained a wonderful insight into the customs, such as leaving shoes out for Sinterklaas to fill with gifts and enjoying traditional treats like pepernoten and chocolate letters. Matilda shared photos of her making some pepernoten for her friends to taste and even provided goodie bags to take home.

It was a fantastic afternoon for the children exploring a new culture, a huge thank you to Lisselotte and Matilda for sharing this special occasion with us.