
Date Posted... Nov 14th 2023

ACHE Counsellors Commence their Journey

Being an ACHE Counsellor is a goal many of our students in Sixth Form strive for. It requires courage, empathy, and a significant investment of time. This comprehensive 16-week training program prepares students to become peer mentors to offer guidance and support within our school community.

It was truly exciting to see over 40 pupils participate in the initial ACHE mentoring session, where Reverend Helen, Mrs. Jupp, and our School Counsellor Mel discussed the essential qualities of being a leader. The students had the opportunity to watch a TED talk about the concept of quiet leadership and engaged in a lively and enjoyable group activity to explore the characteristics of effective leadership.

The ACHE mentoring program is available to all Lower Sixth Formers as part of the Sixth Form Diploma. It covers a wide-ranging curriculum that includes workshops on leadership, team building, active listening, addressing bullying and cyberbullying, understanding healthy relationships, child protection, strategies for managing stress and promoting healthy sleep habits, and supporting students with their learning. The program concludes with a special ACHE mentors’ graduation dinner, providing students with the chance to cultivate lifelong skills and qualities that will benefit them as both colleagues and friends, as well as future leaders.

Good luck to everyone taking part, we look forward to following their journeys.